佐々木 愛 / Ai Sasaki 
 “re-encounter ”

2022. 4. 16(Sat)- 2022. 5.29(Sun)
Closed: Monday.Tuesday, National holiday(4.29 5.4 5.5)  

Gallery hour: 12:00〜18:00






  Birds with unfamiliar names such as kea, takahe, and fantail…flowers quietly blooming and mountain abstractions. The works to be displayed in this exhibition bear images of things that Ai Sasaki encountered on her trip to New Zealand. The subjects are shining fragments of that trip, during which she traversed a small island in the southern hemisphere from south to north on foot and came into contact with its lush nature.

Sasaki absorbs the flora and fauna symbolic of her destinations as well as their mythology, lore, and history, and reflects all of these elements in her works. An important part of her methodology is to walk around, travel, and experience the landscape and ambience of the place for herself. In producing works, she does not make preliminary sketches or take photographs; instead, she depicts the lingering images of things which moved her and other components of the atmosphere distinct to that landscape, including the light and humidity, that she committed to memory. It could be that, for Sasaki, encounters with new worlds always occur during travel. The bird, boat, and door motifs that her works often contain are replete with anticipation of heading into a new world.

Her works for this exhibition were made by the monotype technique, which allows production of only one print per work. This was a first-time experience for Sasaki, who said the production was a process of trial and error. While known for her meticulous “sugar paintings,” she made full use of this technique, which has the element of chance, and created prints that delight the eye with their rougher execution and bold coloration.

In the course of this production, Sasaki perhaps re-encountered times gone by and newly traveled in the gap between memory and creation. Memories stored for a period of ten years actually became more vivid and were transferred to little sheets of paper. By gazing at the resulting works displayed before our eyes and partaking of their imaginativeness, we too can go off on a journey to encounter landscapes transcending time, together with her.
- Kazumi Miyai, Curator, Moerenuma Park)

Artist’s statement
I went bird-watching in a snow-covered forest. At first, for dozens of minutes, I had a hard time finding any birds, and kept looking around and wandering here and there when I heard their chirping. “If you stay put in one place and look closely, you will spot some,” my guide suggested. At this, I stopped moving and just watched for birds. After a while, a little bird flew into my field of vision. Then I was able to spot more, one after another, as if my eyes had come into the right focus for them.
To encounter what I want to, I sometimes have to stop and give myself to the surrounding environment. These works made by the monotype process are memories of when I walked around simply following my own interests, about ten years ago. I felt the urge to re-encounter and take a close look once again at the landscapes I had encountered back then.
Gallery KIDO Press is pleased to announce re-encounter, its first exhibition of works by Ai Sasaki in seven years. Although the outlook at present is by no means a very bright one, precisely for this reason, we hope that you will come and see these works expressive of a pure vision.



1976 大阪府生まれ。/ Born in Osaka

2002 彩都IMI大学院スクール入学 現代美術専攻修了

1999 スウェーデン ヴァランド芸術学院に短期交換留学

1997-2001 金沢美術工芸大学 美術学部デザイン科視覚デザイン専攻 卒業


2021「もうひとつの時間」、museumshop T、東京

2017 佐々木愛展「物語と風景のあいだに」、黒部市美術館、富山

2015 「もうひとつの場所」NPO法人E&Cギャラリー、福井

2014 「Four Songs」ベルナールビュフェ美術館、静岡


2020 「生命の庭―8人の現代作家が見つけた小宇宙」、東京都庭園美術館、東京

2018 「ことばをながめる、ことばとあるく――詩と歌のある風景」太田市美術館・図書館、群馬

2017 「開館15周年記念展「生命の樹」」ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館、静岡

2016 「虹のキャラヴァンサライ 創造する人間の旅」あいちトリエンナーレ2016、愛知

2015 「カフェ・イン・水戸」水戸芸術館現代美術ギャラリー、茨城



2010 RMIT University: The International Artist in Residence Program/メルボルン、オーストラリア

2010 The Victorian College of the Arts: Studio Residence in printmaking & drawing department/メルボルン、オースト

2008 Asia New Zealand Foundation Arts Residency Exchange/ウェリントン、ニュージーランド

2008 SSamzie Space-three month program/ソウル、韓国

2006-2007 京都造形芸術大学国際藝術研究センター フェロープログラム/京都造形芸術大学、京都

2005 Artist in Residence Program 2005/国際芸術センター青森、青森





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