“ころぶ女/Falling woman”

2021. 10. 28(Thu)- 2021. 12.5(Sun)
Closed: Monday.Tuesday, National holiday(11.3)  

Gallery hour: 12:00〜18:00


         『決闘/Duel2 』



今回の展示は、O JUNの「ころぶ」イメージをモノタイプを通して表現した展示です。
それは、「ころぶ」ことによって生まれる一瞬の時間感と緊張感が、さらには、空間が逆転するように感じる驚きが、アーティストの稀有な手腕によって描き出されます。  O JUN は、今回の表現で一貫して、モノタイプを制作しました。やり直しの効かない一発勝負のモノタイプで生まれた刷りと版に残ったインクをさらに刷りとる、ゴーストの儚く掠れたような表現のよって、O JUNの捕らえようとする「ころぶ」モノたちの姿が巧みに描き出されています。
モノタイプの制作によってO JUNの画面には描くことではできない表現の数々が散りばめられています。
さらにO JUNは、今回のモノタイプの制作を踏まえて、すでに同時に進行しているリトグラフの展開も視野に入れて表現の完成を目指しています。

※モノタイプ : 版画の技法の一つ。版の上に描いた絵の具を刷り上げる。同じ刷りは一枚しか出来ない。


For the first time in five years, since the exhibition Paper Sumo held in 2015, Gallery KIDO Press is holding an exhibition of works by O JUN, titled Korobu Onna (Falling  woman ). This time, the artist presents images of "falling" through monotypes.

Besides Korobu Onna, from which the exhibition takes its name, the titles of works include Haigo de Korobu Otoko (Man Behind Falling), Ketto (Duel), and Ishi no yo ni Korogaru (Rolling Like a Stone). As this suggests, they even go beyond human depictions as they display falling forms in various ways.

With his rare skills, the artist renders the temporal sense, tension, and surprise felt as space seems to turn upside down that are all born instantaneously in the act of falling down.

For this exhibition, O JUN produced only monotypes, a one-shot mode of expression that does not permit any reworking. Making further prints with the ink remaining on the plate after the first printing, he elicits ghostly images that convey a transient, blurred impression. Through this process, he deftly portrays the figures of the falling bodies that he is attempting to apprehend.

Monotype production strewed the surfaces of O JUN's works with numerous types of depiction that could not have been painted.

Based on his production of monotypes for this exhibition, O JUN is extending his reach to the further development of his art through lithographs, which he is already pursuing in parallel, toward the perfection of his artistic expression.

We earnestly hope to see you at this new exhibition.

* Tentative translations
Monotype: A type of printmaking process. Monoprints are made by printing images painted on the plate. The same print can only be made once. Additional prints made by printing with the paint still left on the plate are called "ghosts."

Artist statement

I fell down! I wanted to depict what we see in the instant that we take a fall. We may fall in the home or outside, after stumbling, slipping, or being shot. It's okay. The world is not a bottomless abyss. The floor or the ground is there, waiting to catch us, or even embrace us. In the interval of less than a second until then, the world shows us all sorts of things. It stands ready and waiting for us to fall, in order to do so.



1956 東京生まれ/ Born in Tokyo

1980 東京藝術大学美術学部油画科卒業/Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music (the current Tokyo University of the Arts) Faculty of Fine Arts with a BA in oil painting

1982 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修士修/Graduated from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Graduate School of Fine Arts with a master's degree in painting

1984-85 スペイン(バルセロナ)滞在/Residence in Spain (Barcelona)

1990-94 ドイツ(デゥセルドルフ)滞在/Residence in Germany (Dusseldorf)


2019 「途中の造物」ミズマアートギャラリー(東京)

2019 「”Can’t be what it looks like”―”そう見えるけどありえないよね”O JUN x Hans Bend展」 ガレリア・フィナルテ(愛知)

2017 O JUN×棚田康司展「鬩(せめぐ)」伊丹市立美術館、兵庫

2015 「紙相撲」キドプレス

2014 「DaDa児」六本木ヒルズA/Dギャラリー(東京)

2013 「O JUN 描く児」府中市美術館(東京)

2010 「星はなんでも知っている」キドプレス

2010 「絵画の庭 ゼロ年代日本の地平から」国立国際美術館(大阪)

2010 「アーティストファイル2010」国立新美術館

2010 入口はこちら、なにがみえる?」(MOTコレクション)東京都現代美術館

2010 「The 14th Vilnius Painting Triennal」ブェリュニュス現代美術館(リトアニア)

2009  個展「JEDNOM OLOVKOM 一本の鉛筆から」ベオグラード(セルビア)


国立国際美術館(大阪) 東京都現代美術館(東京) カスヤの森現代美術館(神奈川) 岡崎市美術館(愛知 ) 府中市美術館(東京) 高松市美術館(香川 )愛知県立美術館 (愛知)  


版画工房 shop