鴻池 朋子/Tomoko Konoike

月・火 休廊


竜巻-6 / Tornade-6




猫蝶-横向き / Cat Butterfly (looking sideways)

ギャラリー キドプレスでは、2020年7月25日(土)から9月6日(日)まで、鴻池朋子展 「Limestone/石灰岩」を開催いたします。本展では、石版石を用い伝統的な方法で制作したリトグラフ版画と、影絵灯篭作品のモチーフを再利用したコラグラフ版画作品を展示いたします。

◆2020年6月23日(火)から10月25日(日)まで、公益財団法人石橋財団アーティゾン美術館にて、ジャム・セッション 石橋財団コレクション×鴻池朋子「鴻池朋子 ちゅうがえり」展を開催中。キドプレスで制作されたリトグラフ作品がインスタレーション展示されております。。

<鴻池 朋子(こうのいけ ともこ) プロフィール>
近年の個展は、2015年「根源的暴力」神奈川県民ホール(2016年 群馬県立近代美術館、新潟県立万代島美術館巡回)、2018年「ハンターギャザラー」秋田県立近代美術館(秋田)、「TOMOKO KONOIKE : FUR STORY」Leeds Art University, (イギリス)、2020年「ちゅうがえり」アーティゾン美術館 (東京)など。近年のグループ展は、2016年「Temporal Turn」スペンサー美術館・自然史博物館(アメリカ)、2017年奥能登国際芸術祭(石川県)「Japan-Spirits of Nature」ノルディックアクバラル美術館(スウェーデン)、2018年 「ECHOES FROM THE PAST / Kalevala」Kareva Art Museum(フィンランド)、2019年「ここの出来事」鞆の津ミュージアム(広島)、「表現の生態系 世界との関係をつくりかえる」アーツ前橋 (群馬)、「瀬戸内国際芸術祭2019」(大島青松園/香川)、2020年「古典×現代2020―時空を超える日本のアート」国立新美術館 (東京)など。2017年、芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞受賞。東京2020オリンピック公式アートポスター制作アーティスト。

Exhibition by Tomoko Konoike: Limestone/Sekkaigan

Venue: Gallery KIDO Press, 3331 Arts Chiyoda 204
Period: July 25 (Sat.) − September 6 (Sun.), 2020
Summer holiday closure: August 10 (Mon.) − 18 (Tues.)
Gallery hours: 12:00 - 18:30 (*17:00 on September 6, the last day)
Gallery closed on Mondays and Tuesdays
The stone slab was hard and heavy. Even when I rubbed it with crayon, the crayon would jump off the surface with a clack. I could not play with it very well.

After a while, I tired of this and went outside, where I made pictures in the snow on a hill with my footprints, soaked in the sea and sang, kneaded mud, carved trees, and drew on the hides of animals. I played as much as I wanted with the earth in such ways. And when I became tired, I went back and again silently faced the hard and heavy slab of smoothly polished stone in the studio to the rear of the gallery. I am not sure why this was, but I think one of the factors may have been that the stone was harder than any material I had previously worked with.

Some time later, what I was finally able to draw on the mass of limestone was the figure of a tornado. It looked like one scene from a storm that this stone might have once seen - exactly as if it had been clipped out of a newspaper article.

Everyone knows about the tremendous destructive power of tornadoes. In essence, they constantly suck air in and then blow it out. The movement and shape produced by this flow bears a good resemblance to the way I play with the earth's artistic materials. An inverted conical spring within my body jumps and spins while causing friction with the external air. To suck in more and more, I have to go out more and more. Day after day.
- Tomoko Konoike

Gallery KIDO Press is pleased to hold an exhibition of works by Tomoko Konoike titled Limestone/Sekkaigan from July 25 (Sat.) to September 6 (Sun.), 2020. This exhibition will show lithographs produced by the traditional process utilizing lithographic limestone and collagraph prints reusing the motifs of shadow pictures.

- From June 23 (Tues.) to October 25 (Sun.), 2020, the Ishibashi Foundation's Artizon Museum is hosting an exhibition titled Tomoko Konoike - Flip. This exhibition rests on collaboration by the Ishibashi Foundation and Konoike in the former's Jam Session series. Lithographs produced at KIDO Press are part of the installation display there.

Profile of Tomoko Konoike

Tomoko Konoike was born in Akita Prefecture in 1960. After graduating from the Tokyo University of the Arts, she became involved in the conception and design of toys, sundries, and furniture, and is engaged in activities that are an extension of this work even at present. Utilizing a diversity of media including animation, picture books, paintings, sculpture, video, songs, shadow pictures, handicrafts, and fairy tales, she has repeatedly taken part in interdisciplinary sessions with creators in other fields, and produces works with site-specific depictions that incorporate the climate, terrain, and other elements of the particular locale. Through her works, she continues to make fundamental reexaminations of the meaning of art.

Her solo exhibitions in recent years include Primordial Violence, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, in 2015 (this show subsequently went to the Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, and the Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum, Niigata); Hunter-Gatherer, Akita Museum of Modern Art, and Tomoko Konoike: Fur Story, Leeds Art University, UK, both in 2018; and Flip, Artizon Museum, Tokyo, in 2020. The main group exhibitions in which she has participated in recent years are Temporal Turn, Spencer Museum of Art, USA, in 2016; the Oku-Noto Triennale 2017, Ishikawa Prefecture, and Japan - Spirits of Nature, Nordic Watercolour Museum (Sweden), both in 2017; Echoes From The Past / Kalevala, Kareva Art Museum (Finland), in 2018; Koko no Dekigoto, Tomonotsu Museum (Hiroshima), The Ecology of Expression - Remaking Our Relations with the World, Arts Maebashi (Gunma Prefecture), and Setouchi Triennale 2019 (Oshima Seishoen, Kagawa Prefecture), all in 2019; and Timeless Conversations 2020 - Voices from Japanese Art of the Past and Present, National Art Center, Tokyo. She received the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts in 2017, and produced one of the official art posters for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

* The days and times when the gallery is open are subject to change. For details, please check the KIDO Press website.

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