 Ryoko Kido
「# おやつのじかん / # time for a snack」

2018年10月20日(土)〜11月18日(日) 12:00〜19:00


ギャラリーキドプレスでは、2018年10月20日(土)から11月18日(日)まで、テンペラと油彩を素材とし、顔料が持つ発色の美しさと、マチエールの微妙なニュアンスを大切に描き出す、木戸涼子による『#おやつのじかん』展を開催いたします。 本展では、今年制作された10点あまりの新作絵画が展示されます。

1980年代より活動を開始した木戸涼子は、近年では個展形式で作品発表を続けてきました。 風にそよぐ花びらで縄跳びをするかのように天高く舞う穏やかな人物が描かれた作品「花とび」をはじめ、柔らかな花々、軽やかな風、温かな笑顔の人物とともに瑞しい色彩に彩られた世界が描き出された『春へのまなざし』展(2009年)。また、まるで空中を飛ぶように遊んでいる二人の作品「雲梯」や、どこかの天空での物語のワンシーンのような作品「たかおに」等が出品された『雨ときどき笑って』展(2012年)にて絵画を発表しています。作品における作家の視点はいずれも、移り変わる季節や天気のように、日々繰り返されるさりげない日常の中に向けられています。

to the space

そして、『コンセプト偏重にはならずに、誰もが感じることを見出し、心にとめたことを描きたいと思っている』と語る木戸は、2010年代に入り自らの絵画のアイデンティティを新たに模索し始めます。 テンペラという古典的な技法は細部描写に適し、また油彩を混合することで透明感のある色面とテンペラの白を用いた色彩の階調が美しく表現できます。そのテンペラ画独特の風合いは、時としてノスタルジックな儚い感覚をも呼び起こします。誰もが見たことのあるモチーフでありながらもただそれを写し取る、というよりは彼女の中で一度味わい遊び心が加わったイメージとなり『こんな絵はどう?』と非日常の一コマを密かに語りかけるような絵を描き留めているようです。
今回は、日々の暮らしの中から、食べられてはすぐに消えてしまう、愛してやまないと言う“おやつ”に着目し、創造性に富んだ作家にとってよりリアルなものを描き出しました。 本展出品作品の宙に浮く粒チョコレートのアポロ、よそいきなラムネ、いちごのかき氷のミルクがかかる光景はよくみると鳥や人が潜み…。おやつという物体の描写のリアリズム絵画でありながらも 木戸のエスプリが効いた“おやつのじかん”が始まります。この特別な時間は、私たちの日常を愛らしくそしてほっとさせてくれるのではないでしょうか。本展を通して、古典技法のテンペラを用いながら現代の日常を要素に創り出す、木戸涼子の世界観を是非お楽しみください。


2014   『ART NAGOYA 2014』
2013   『Winter group show』  Gallery KIDO Press
2012 『雨ときどき笑って』 Gallery KIDO Press
2010 『寓意と奇想』五人展 ギャラリー●フェイス トゥ フェイス、 『テイスティングアート』(大阪阪急デパート)
2009-2010  個展 『春へのまなざし』小淵沢アートビレッジ 八ヶ岳ロッヂ・アトリエ
2009   「Christmas Exhibition」 Gallery KIDO Press、個展 なびす画廊
2008   個展 ギャラリー●フェイス トゥ フェイス(東京)
2006   個展 なびす画廊
2004   小品展 小野画廊
2003   個展 小野画廊企画展

2002   上野の森美術館大賞展 1984-1985 グループ展 Gアートギャラリー ギャラリー檜、日本版画協会
1981 グループ展 横山画廊
1980 大学版画展 (買い上げ賞)
    1979〜1982 神奈川女流画家協会展(1981議長賞 1982知事賞)

Ryoko Kido "#time for a snack" Exhibition
Venue: Gallery KIDO Press, 3331 Arts Chiyoda 204
Period: October 20 (Sat.) - November 18 (Sun.), 2018
Opening reception: October 20 (Sat.), 2018, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Gallery hours: 12:00 - 7:00 p.m. *5:00 p.m. on the last day
Closed on Mondays, Tuesdays, and holidays
Gallery KIDO Press (3331 Arts Chiyoda 204)

From October 20 (Sat.) to November 18 (Sun.), 2018, Gallery KIDO Press is going to hold an exhibition of paintings by Ryoko Kido titled "#Time for a Snack." Working in tempera and oil paints, Kido creates works with careful attention to the beauty of the colors left by the pigments and the subtle nuances of the material. The exhibition will present over ten new pieces she produced this year.

Kido commenced artistic activities in the 1980s and has continued to unveil works at solo exhibitions in recent years. "Hanatobi," which depicts a girl hopping high into the air as if jumping rope with a wreath of flowers waving in the wind, and the other paintings in her exhibition titled "The Gaze of Spring" (2009) portrayed a world of delicate blossoms, refreshing breezes, and people wearing warm smiles, all rendered in fresh, engaging colors.

Among the paintings shown at the exhibition "Rain After Smile" (2012) were "Overhead Ladder," in which two children appear to be flying through the air as they play, and "Takaoni," which looks like a scene out of a story in some celestial setting. In every case, the focus of the artist's perspective is on ordinary doings and phenomena encountered every day, such as the gradual change of the seasons and transition of the weather.

With the start of the 2010s, Kido embarked anew on an exploration of the identity of her paintings, commenting, "I want to find things that anyone feels, things that I cherish, and paint them, without a conceptual bias."

The classic tempera technique is suited to the painting of fine detail. When mixed with oil paints, tempera affords striking color tones through combination of transparent-looking color fields and the white of the tempera. Unique to tempera paintings, this kind of texturing can also at times evoke a poignant, nostalgic sentiment. While employing motifs that everyone has seen, Kido does not simply paint them; she instead produces images of them after ruminating over them herself and adding a whimsical touch. The finished work seems to ask the viewer in a whisper whether the slice of extra-ordinary life it presents is to his or her liking.

As the theme of works in this exhibition, Kido chose foods that are typically eaten for between-meal afternoon snacks, quickly disappear in a single sitting, and are absolutely loved by their eaters. For this richly creative artist, they make more real subjects.

Little chocolate kisses shaped like space capsules floating in mid air, prim drops of Ramune candy, and a mound of shaved ice topped with strawberry syrup and milk, in which a closer look reveals the presence of hidden birds and human figures … It is the start of "time for snacking" on works which, while being realistic depictions of the treats as objects, are injected with Kido's own esprit. This special interlude may very well cast our daily routine in an endearing light and soothe our souls. We urge you to see this exhibition and savor the outlook of the artist, who takes as her material the everyday of contemporary life while applying classic tempera techniques.

< Exhibitions >
2014 "ART NAGOYA 2014"
2013 "Winter Group Show," Gallery KIDO Press
2012 "Rain After Smile," Gallery KIDO Press
2010 "Allegory and Fantasy," a five-artist exhibition at Gallery Face-to-Face, Tokyo, and "Tasting Art," Osaka Hankyu Department Store
2009 - 10 "The Gaze of Spring," a solo exhibition, Kobuchizawa Art Village, Yatsugatake Lodge Atelier, Yamanashi
2009 "Christmas Exhibition," Gallery KIDO Press, and a solo exhibition at Nabis Gallery, Tokyo
2008 Solo exhibition, Gallery Face to Face, Tokyo
2006 Solo exhibition, Nabis Gallery, Tokyo
2004 Exhibition of small works, Gallery Ono, Tokyo
2003 Special solo exhibition, Gallery Ono, Tokyo
2002 Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize Exhibition
1984 - 85 Group exhibitions at G Art Gallery, Gallery Hinoki, and the Japan Print Association
1981 Group exhibition, Yokoyama Gallery
1980 National University Print Exhibition (Purchase Prize)
1979 - 82 Kanagawa Women Artists Association Exhibition (selection for the Chairperson's Award in 1981 and Governor's Award in 1982)

版画工房 shop