佐藤 令奈
 Haruna Sato
「Slightly but quite different」

2017年6月10日(土)〜 2017年7月16日(日)

1984年東京生まれの佐藤令奈は、絵肌を人の肌ととらえるように、観る人が思わず触りたくなるような絵画表現をするペインターです。 展覧会名「Slightly but quite different」は、これまで主に取り組んできた、赤ちゃんや、身体の絵画表現だけにとどまらず、わずかではあるが、確実な表現対象の変化と多様性について、佐藤自身が自覚と覚悟を持って命名しました。
佐藤の絵画表現は、ぶれることなく特徴的なマチェールとバルールによるものです。 それは、たとえモチーフが多様になろうと、生命力にあふれたくもりや湿度さえも感じさせます。
2008年の「トーキョーワンダーウォール」賞をかわきりに、2014年に銀座三越で「肌の秘密 藤田嗣治x佐藤令奈」を開催するなど輝かしい活躍を遂げています。 今年の中之条ビエンナーレ(中之条、群馬)では、2つの展示室を使った大掛かりな展示を予定しています。 またその活動は、国内にとどまることなく、多くの海外のグループ展、アートフェアに招待されています。

叩くことから発生する油絵具の微妙な凹凸に、数種類の暖色系の絵具をさらに叩き込み、サンドベーパーで削り出しながら、下に隠れていた様々な絵具の色層を丹念に表出させていきます。叩いたり、削ったりする、作家自身の身体を使った制作工程が、徐々に画面に人体の肌の質感に迫ってくるのです。 このような、独自の手法で何層も作り上げた画面から、複雑で、独特な佐藤令奈のマチェールとバルールが出来上がってきます。

"Slightly but quite different" - An exhibition of works by Haruna Sato
Period: June 10 (Sat.) ~ July 16 (Sun.), 2017
Venue: Gallery KIDO Press (3331 Arts Chiyoda 204)
Opening reception with the artist: 6:00 ~ 8:00 p.m., June 10 (Sat.), 2017

Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1984, Haruna Sato is a painter who treats the canvas like human skin, and whose paintings make viewers want to reach out and touch them.
Not confined to depictions of babies and human bodies, which have been her favorite subjects so far, the exhibition was titled "Slightly but quite different" by Sato herself, based on her own awareness and resolve about the limited but definite change in and diversity of subjects. Her art rests on unswerving, distinctive "matiere" and "valeur." Thanks to these traits, the works manage to convey, for example, even a fleshy blurriness and moistness imbued with a vital force, however the motifs may differ.

Sato has remained very active and made outstanding strides since her selection for the Tokyo Wonder Wall Award in 2009. One of her latest big exhibits was that titled "The Secrets of Skin - Tsuguharu Foujita X Haruna Sato"* and held at the Ginza Mitsukoshi Gallery. This year, she is going to stage an elaborate exhibit taking up two gallery rooms at the Nakanojo Biennale (in the town of Nakanojo, Gunma Prefecture). Her activities are hardly confined to Japan; she also takes part in art fairs in other countries and has been invited to be in numerous group exhibits outside Japan.

Sato begins making works by applying oil-based paint to hemp canvas as if tapping it on. This tapping technique leaves subtle indentations in the paint, to which several types of warm-color paint are successively applied in the same manner. She then shaves the painted surface with sandpaper, carefully bringing out various layers of hues hidden beneath. Through this process of tapping and sanding, which requires use of the artist's own physical skills, the texture of the canvas gradually approaches that of human skin.

Sato's production of form starts in earnest from this point.

As for motifs, Sato is avidly tackling new subjects, which is what most distinguishes this exhibit from previous ones. But even so, what she ultimately takes aim at in her works is always true-to-life depictions exuding a vitality that makes viewers want to reach out and touch them, due to the overwhelming presence of their texture.

For this exhibition, Sato is taking up the challenge of new subjects. This exhibit will display an ambitious painting of size 100 (1,620 x 1,300 mm) and six other works including drawings. We urge you to not to miss it!

Slightly but quite differen

drawing 2017


1984 東京生まれ
2008 多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油絵専攻 卒業
2009 トーキョーワンダーウォール賞 受賞
2008 トーキョーワンダーシード 入選
2014 肌の秘密 藤田嗣治×佐藤令奈」(銀座三越,東京

「2012 Winter 三越美術特選会 佐藤令奈特集」 (日本橋三越,東京)


 「BABIES」 (高松三越,香川)「BABIES」 (Gallery Bundo,大邱)

2011 「Baby, born from mother」 (銀座三越,東京)
2010 「トーキョーワンダーウォール都庁 2009」 (東京都庁,東京)

版画工房 shop