土屋 裕介/Yusuke Tsuchiya


2016年4月9日(土)〜 2016年5月15日(日)

ここにいる のに どこにもいない
どこにもいない けど ここにいる 彼ら / 彼女らは
どこから来て 何者で どこに行くのだろうか。


1985年千葉県生まれの土屋裕介は、2011年に東京藝術大学大学院(美術研究科彫刻専攻)を修了して、ギャラリー キドプレスで「gilding」展(2012年)、2014年には「know」展を開催してきました。今回で三度目の個展となる本展では、これまでの作品世界をさらに深めながらもその根底に静かな変調を感じさせる意欲的な最新作を発表いたします。



Born in Chiba Prefecture in 1985, Yusuke Tsuchiya was awarded a master's degree in sculpture from the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts in 2011. Gallery KIDO Press staged exhibitions of his works under the titles "gilding" in 2012 and "know" in 2014. Titled "nowhere," this third solo exhibition presents his latest series of ambitious works which, while making deeper probes of his artistic world so far, also show signs of subtle change at its very foundations.
For the titles of many of his exhibitions and works, Tsuchiya chooses concise terms stripped of all lyricism. The new pieces for the "nowhere" exhibition have titles including "lid," "radicle," and "pupa." The interpretation of their titles is left to the person viewing them.
Radiating a tranquillity reflecting their souls like the waters of a becalmed lake, Tsuchiya's human figures stand in repose, a far-away look in their limpid eyes. Sometimes veiled in light shades of transparent watercolor and Paris white, their bodies of terra-cotta, which were glazed after firing, are imbued with an ingenuous beauty and show not a single trace of superfluous finesse.
The series of works taking human beings as their motif Tsuchiya has been earnestly producing for more than ten years never avert their gaze from harsh realities; they are always standing somewhere in placidity, their faces wearing a contemplative look (with the eyes half- or wide open). Some may project onto them another self that dwells in the heart, while others may find them subjects to soothe the soul.

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