土屋 裕介
 Yusuke Tsuchiya

2016年11月26日(土)〜 2016年12月25日(日)

ギャラリー キドプレスでは、2016年11月26日から12月25日まで、土屋裕介展を開催いたします。
土屋の初期から現在までの作品を見わたすと、新作と比較して以前は用いる色の多さと面積の広さ、テラコッタ以外の素材による装身具のような意匠に目が向く。 土屋によれば、表現したいものは変わっていないというが、いっそうシンプルな造形へと向かっているその変化の過程は、土屋がさながら人間の素へと近づこうとしていることの証左のように思える。 小金沢智
※ 小金沢智(太田市美術館・図書館学芸員)「人間の素――土屋裕介の彫刻」より引用
Yusuke Tsuchiya「nowhere」展覧会カタログ (2016年、ギャラリー キドプレス刊)


From November 26th to December 25th, Gallery Kido Press will be holding an exhibition of works by Yusuke Tsuchiya. "Surveying Mr. Tsuchiya's works from the earliest to those of the present, one notices that the former have a wider variety of colors, a larger colored surface area, and designs with ornamentation using materials other than terra cotta. Although the artist insists there has been no change in what he wants to present, his works show a transition towards increasingly simple forms. As I see it, the process of this transition may be taken as evidence that he is veritably closing in on the human element."
- Excerpted from "The Human Element -- The Sculpture of Yusuke Tsuchiya," Satoshi Koganezawa, in "Yusuke Tsuchiya: nowhere," the catalogue for the exhibition at Gallery KIDO Press (published by Gallery KIDO Press, 2016).
Born in Chiba Prefecture in 1985, Yusuke Tsuchiya studied sculpture in the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts, and has produced mainly works portraying human figures, using terra cotta and other materials. His statues born of fire in furnaces at high temperatures in the area of 900 degrees Celsius stand in tranquility, wearing veils of light glazing on their slightly teary eyes and moist-looking lips. Inside they are hollow, but seem to be full of a silent void.
Interweaving Tsuchiya's new works with some of his past ones, this exhibit looks back at the evolution of his art over the last ten years. It includes a special display of his 2009 work "Your World", which was chosen for depiction on the cover of a novel published this last October.




1985 千葉県生まれ
2009 東京藝術大学美術学部彫刻学科 卒業
2011 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科彫刻専攻 卒業
2007 東京藝術大学総合芸術アーカイブセンター教育研究助手
2016 「nowhere」Gallery KIDO Press 東京
2014 「know」KIDO Press, Inc 東京
2012 「gilding」KIDO Press, Inc 東京
2010 「dreamer」ギャラリーせいほう 東京
2009 「your world」ギャラリー海 千葉

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