三沢 厚彦 『アニマルズ 新作ドライポイント』展

2020. 12. 5(Sat)- 2021. 1.31(Sun)
Winter Vacation 2020. 12. 28(Mon)- 2021. 1.8(Fri)

Gallery hour: 12:00~18:30 closed on Mon,Tue


『ドライポイント2020- 麒麟 』                   『ドライポイント2020-ミミズク』



三沢 厚彦

  ギャラリー キドプレスでは、6年ぶりの展示となる三沢 厚彦「アニマルズ ドライポイント」展を開催いたします。ドライポイントによる14点の新作版画を展示いたします。



   Atsuhiko Misawa Exhibition: Animals - New Drypoints

Period: December 5, 2020 (Sat.) ~ January 31, 2021 (Sun.)
Closed during the holiday season: December 28 (Mon.) ~ January 8 (Fri.)
Gallery hours: 12:00 - 18:30 (17:00 on the last day)
Venue: Gallery KIDO Press (3331 Arts Chiyoda 204, 6-11-14 Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo)

Comment by the artist

I incise a pewter plate with a needle. The needle cuts thin sparkling burrs that describe arcs as they curl up from the surface. It feels good making them.

Pigment flows into the furrows, whose depth and volume determine the shade depth. I let my fingers glide over the matrix unawares, enchanted by the nice touch, while imagining the look of the as yet unseen print. I was hoping this feeling would come out in it.

In 2020, the whole world was exposed to the pandemic brought by the fury of Covid-19. Amid the complete collapse of ordinary everyday life as we have known it so far, the only thing that hasn't changed is the time I spend in the studio by myself. How can I give this activity, which could be termed entirely private, a linkage with others and society as a whole? Engraving plates in the studio - perhaps everything starts from here.

- Atsuhiko Misawa

Gallery KIDO Press is holding an exhibition of works by Atsuhiko Misawa for the first time in six years. Titled Animals - New Drypoints, it will display 14 new drypoint works.

For this exhibition, Misawa used a needle instead of his customary chisel to create richly expressive depictions of his signature animals including a tiger, rabbit, mountain goat, and lion. His pictures have a flavor differing from his statues, and feature rhythmical lines drawn, freely such that the animals in them are portrayed in an even more unrestrained fashion.

The menagerie includes pink and blue spot prawns and completely imaginary animals such as the chimera. Each is rendered in lively fashion by the hand of Misawa, and draws the viewer into its magical world.

All of the works in this exhibition were produced by the copperplate printing technique known as drypoint. In it, lines engraved directly on a pewter plate with a special needle are printed with a press.

As compared to copper, pewter is quite soft. Ordinarily, the artist must apply considerable force to the needle in order to make lines with it on copperplate. Taking full advantage of the character of the softer pewter, Misawa drew countless lively lines to produce these vigorous and freewheeling portraits of animals.

We earnestly hope you will be able to come and see this exhibition, and would be grateful for the cooperation of your newspaper (or magazine) with publicity for it.



三沢 厚彦(みさわ あつひこ)/Atsuhiko Misawa

1961 京都府生まれ/Born in Kyoto

1987 東京芸術大学美術学部彫刻科卒業/B.F.A., in Sculpture, Tokyo University of the Arts

1997 -01 東京芸術大学美術学部彫刻科非常勤講師/Part-time lecturer of Tokyo University of the Arts

2001 第20回平櫛田中賞受賞/The 20th Hirakushi Denchu Prize

2003-05  武蔵野美術大学造形学部彫刻学科客員教授/Visiting professor of Musashino Art University

2011-   武蔵野美術大学造形学部彫刻学科特任教授/Professor of Musashino Art University




2018 ANIMALS IN YOKOSUKA 横須賀美術館、神奈川

2017 アニマルハウス 謎の館 渋谷区立松濤美術館、東京

ANIMALS in 熊本 熊本市現代美術館

2016 ANIMALS in アートプラザ アートプラザ、大分

2015 ANIMALS 2015 in 釧路 釧路市立美術館、北海道

2015 ANIMALS 2015 in 成羽 高梁市成羽美術館、岡山

2014 ANIMALS in 周南 周南市美術博物館、山口

2013 三沢厚彦 ANIMALS 2013 浜松市美術館、静岡

   三沢厚彦 ANIMALS 2013 三重県立美術館、

2012 三沢厚彦 ANIMALS 2012 香美市立美術館、高知

2011-12 三沢厚彦 ANIMALS '11 in Yonago 米子市美術館、鳥取

2011 三沢厚彦「Meet The Animals-ホームルーム」 京都芸術センター

   三沢厚彦 ANIMALS 2011 金津創作の森、福井

2010 ANIMALS in TOCHIGI 栃木県立美術館

   ANIMALS in KIRISHIMA 鹿児島県霧島アートの森

2009 ANIMALS in AAC 愛知県美術館

2008 ANIMALS '08 in YOKOHAMA そごう美術館

2007-8 ANIMALS+ 平塚市美術館、北海道立旭川美術館、高崎市美術館、伊丹市立美術館、ふくやま美術館

2000 ANIMALS 西村画廊 (’02,’03,’05,’07)




『三沢厚彦 動物の絵 「Painting of ANIMALS」』2013 / 青幻舎


『ぞうをつくる』(かがくのとも)2004、『しっぽしっぽ』(こどものとも)2004 / 福音館書店

『動物たち』2003 / 理論社

その他 雑誌『文學会』の表紙 など



静岡県袋井市 井原市立田中美術館 北海道立旭川美術館 栃木県今市市 高松市美術館 長野県長野市 愛知県美術館 香美市立美術館 メナード美術館 香川県高松市